Blog Page

Tupelo Jiu Jitsu Kids Blog Page!

At Tupelo Jiu Jitsu Kids, we're passionate about all things Jiu Jitsu - and our blog is no exception! Our goal with this blog is to provide our community with a valuable resource for all things related to Jiu Jitsu, martial arts, and healthy living for kids. Whether you're a parent looking for tips on how to support your child's Jiu Jitsu journey, a student curious about the latest techniques and strategies, or simply someone interested in the benefits of martial arts for kids, we've got you covered.

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Jiu Jitsu & Kids Mental Health

Facebook Twitter Instagram Jiu-Jitsu, a martial art once reserved for cage fighters and police officers, has found a new audience in recent years: children. While Jiu-Jitsu is known for its physical...

Why More Parents are Choosing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for their Kids.

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn The most practical Martial Art for real life situations “For decades, traditional martial arts such as taekwondo and karate have been popular choices for parents...

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