Why More Parents are Choosing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for their Kids.


The most practical Martial Art for real life situations

“For decades, traditional martial arts such as taekwondo and karate have been popular choices for parents looking to enroll their children in a program that promotes discipline, respect, and physical fitness. However, in recent years, we’ve seen a growing trend of parents switching to a more practical and effective martial art – Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.”

What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a martial art that focuses on ground fighting and grappling techniques. It was developed from traditional Japanese Jiu Jitsu in the early 20th century by the Gracie family in Brazil. BJJ is known for its practicality, effectiveness, and emphasis on leverage and technique over brute strength.

Why are Parents Choosing BJJ for their Kids?

One of the main reasons why parents are choosing BJJ over traditional martial arts is because it is more practical in real-life situations. Most bullying altercations end up on the ground, where traditional martial arts like taekwondo and karate may not be as effective. BJJ, on the other hand, teaches children how to defend themselves on the ground and how to use leverage and technique to subdue an opponent.

In addition to its practicality, BJJ also offers numerous physical and mental benefits for children. It is a full-body workout that improves cardiovascular health, strength, flexibility, and endurance. BJJ also teaches children discipline, focus, and self-control, which can translate to better academic performance and improved behavior at home.

Statistics on Bullying and Ground Fighting

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one in five students report being bullied. Of those students, 64% did not report the incident to a teacher or other adult. In addition, a study by the Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics found that 43% of middle school students reported being physically assaulted at least once in the previous year.

It’s important to note that many bullying altercations end up on the ground, where traditional martial arts may not be as effective. This is where BJJ can be particularly helpful. By learning grappling and ground fighting techniques, children can better defend themselves in these situations.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is becoming an increasingly popular choice for parents looking for a practical and effective martial art for their children. With its emphasis on ground fighting and grappling techniques, BJJ prepares children for real-life situations where traditional martial arts may not be as effective. Additionally, BJJ offers numerous physical and mental benefits, including improved fitness and discipline. So if you’re a parent looking to enroll your child in a martial arts program, consider giving BJJ a try.


So proud we get to be apart of this! Seriously one of the best decisions we’ve made for Midori and Everett was signing them up at Tupelo Jiu Jitsu Academy!

Kathryn Street

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